
Post 3 offers the following items for sale. The proceeds from these sales are used to support Post 3 and its charitable works.

A book on the life or our Post’s namesake, Captain Lester S. Wass and American Legion Post #3. It may be purchased in the lounge for $9 or by contacting Commander Mark Nestor at It can also be purchased from Amazon:


  • Commemorative coins for $10. These coins are a limited edition celebrating the centennial of the American Legion and Post 3. Coins can be purchased in Post 3’s lounge.

Framed photographic prints. Prints can be purchased by contacting Commander Mark Nestor at

  • The framed print of Captain Lester S Wass is a photograph of the Post 3’s historic painting of Captain Wass that is part of Post 3’s historic art collection on display in the Legion Hall. It is an 8″ by 10″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $10.

  • The framed print of LtCol A Piatt Andrew is a photograph of the Post 3’s historic painting of LtCol Andrew that is part of Post 3’s historic art collection on display in the Legion Hall. It is an 8″ by 10″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $10.

Andrew went to France when war broke out in the summer of 1914. Andrew drove an ambulance in the Dunkirk sector for a few weeks, but his supervisor at the American Military Hospital recognized his exceptional energy and organizing ability. He was asked to serve as the  Inspector General of the American Ambulance Field Service. His role changed significantly when its ambulance sections were taken over by the United States Army in late summer 1917. LtCol Andrew was the first Commander of Post 3.

  • The framed print of the 2017 Gloucester Saint Peter’s Fiesta is an 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20.

  • The framed print of the Gloucester Fisherman’s Wives Memorial is an 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20.

  • The framed print of the Gloucester World War II Memorial is an 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20.

  • The framed print of the Legion Building in Legion Square in Gloucester is an 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20.


  • The framed print of the Joan of Arc Statue is 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20. It is an artistic rendition of the statue against a sunset taken from Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester.

The eminent artist, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington, had Gloucester roots and French ties. In 1910 when Huntington first entered a life-sized plaster of Joan of Arc into a Paris Salon competition, she found that some of the judges doubted that she worked without a man’s help. The entry cemented her career and brought her first major commission of an even larger Joan of Arc in New York City. This 1921 cast in Legion Square was dedicated to Gloucester men who fought in WWI. Other monumental casts of Joan of Arc were placed in San Francisco, Quebec, and France.

  • The Gloucester Collage print includes Gloucester’s iconic Fisherman’s Statue and Fisherman’s Wives Statue as well as a panoramic view of Gloucester’s harbor taken from the eastern shore of the inner harbor. It is an 11″ by 17″ print framed under glass and it is available for purchase for $20.